Copley Primary School


At Copley primary school we follow a scheme of learning known as SCARF. SCARF is an online tool which provides lesson plans and resources for teachers. Each year group on SCARF follow the same three broad topics of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and living in the wider world. All year groups study these big topics however they are progressively built up throughout each year group for example the skills taught in ‘living in the wider world’ in year 1 will look very different to the skills being taught in year 6. By following the same topics, it shows a structured progression and enables skills to be built on year by year. As PSHE is currently a non – statutory subject there are no specific objectives set out to meet therefore by using SCARF it enables teachers to access a structured curriculum to enable that progression in skills we need to have the biggest impact.

The programme SCARF is also mapped very closely to the government funded PSHE association progression of learning. All being said, this tool can be used flexibly, and teachers have the ability to adapt lessons how they see fit for the purpose of their class to ensure maximum impact and engagement from all learners. 


Due to our split classes, PSHE objectives are taught on a rolling programme to ensure adequate coverage for each child. The yearly overview for the current year (2022-2023) can be found below:








If you have any concerns about talking to your child or about something they are covering in class, speak to the class teacher who will be willing to share resources or give advice where they can.



Relationship Sex Education is now a statutory subject. At Copley, we are dedicated to the teaching of relationships sex education through our PSHE lessons and other enhancements. Our scheme of work, SCARF, directly meets each RSE objectives. We have created a mapping document to show where our scheme covers each RSE objective. We feel, at Copley, that by the time our children leave in year 6, they will have had a comprehensive teaching of relationship sex education. We hope, that each child feels ready to navigate relationships in a safe and respectful manner and know how and where to go for support.




RSE covers all aspects of relationship education and sex education however, we feel at Copley that having a specialist come in to teach aspects of sex education is important for our children. Each year, a school nurse delivers sessions to our year 5 and 6 children regarding different aspects of the sex education curriculum. Letters for each session are sent home to parents for consent and resources are available to review prior, at individual request. 

We have created a document that briefly explains what will be covered regarding RSE in each year group. See the document below: